Wednesday, February 8, 2012

This Is Not Okay.

For years, I've been telling my friends how I want my proposal to go down; ring, setting, mood, situation. I'm not even close to a ring of any sort, but it's best to have these plans made already or you'll end up as this girl. 

After winning the Super Bowl, Giants linebacker Greg Jones proposed to his girlfriend, Whats Herface. In not so shocking news, I have issues with this as a girl and a sports fan. Honestly, these photos should actually be used as a What Not To Do Guideline for me. 

Girl Reasons: lack of intimacy and a general abundance of strangers (sporting events are a no!), lack of attention on me - I want my own moment (holiday and sunday engagements are a no!), he probably reeks

Fan Reasons: I know the Giants won but he probably should have been more focused on the game

The best part of this engagement is Mama Jones, the black woman wearing #53 in the background. Based on the sour look on her face she and I are on the same page. 

Photos Courtesy of ESPN

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