Thursday, October 15, 2009

Taylor Swift to Host SNL.

On November 7, Miss Taylor Swift will be hosting SNL, and I'm sure that a good...50% of the material will center around "Kanye-Gate". Apparently she is dying to collaborate with Andy Samberg on a digital short, saying,
"I've gone back and re-watched everything over the past couple of months and digital shorts would be so much fun to do, because they've done so well. Andy Samberg is hilarious."
Oh, forgot to tell you guys: Taylor Swift was over at ND last Wednesday. Apparently her brother (who I learned plays lacross- I think) is looking at the school and they were over checking it out. She had a concert in Chicago the next night. I was doing the question of the day so I talked to a bunch of kids who had seen her. And some that hadn't. One kid's quote:

"I heard there was a bunch of fake Taylor Swifts walking around to get people off her trail. I took one of them to my room. Heh, heh."

No joke. I saw groups of five to ten guys running around campus chasing after her.

Guy 1:"Dude- you guys chasing Taylor?"
Guy 2: "...Maybe."
Guy 1: "Alright."

Dignity is alive and well on Notre Dame's campus.

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