Saturday, August 8, 2009

Fug to Fabulous.

I think we can all agree that Nicole Richie used to be horribly skank. No idea what happened. I think it was rehab or something? That makes a lot of sense. Someone would have to be super drugged up to hang out with Paris Hilton.

Her style also used to super trashy. Now? She is so cute. Love what she wears. When and if I ever have a baby, I would wear her designs for A Pea in the Pod.

Nicole Richie is just a superb example of how someone can go from fug to fabulous. Angelina Jolie is probably the Jedi master of this.


  1. love pea in the pod soo much!
    she has gotten a lot better, surprising!
    dare i say megan fox is the next skank to classy story? *gasp*

  2. how dare you! she will never make the leap.

    but then again, i probably would have said the same thing about nicole.
