Monday, September 28, 2009

No Longer Deafeated!!!

21 months. 19 games. One and a half seasons. But, it's over now.

The Detroit Lions won last night against the Washington Redskins (totally not p.c.), beating them 19-14!! Thank goodness. That's all I can really say. There is nothing worse than being the worst... except for going winless.

The main reason I love college sports is because athletes are not playing for a paycheck or for pride, but for their school. They wear their jerseys with pride and represent their schools day in and day out. I love it.

But, I really was moved - there's nothing better than getting that first win! And, the Lions did it in front of their smallest crowd since 1989. And (I don't want to preach, but...), this was a win for city of Detroit, not just the Lions. The automotive capital has an unemployment rate of 22% as of January.

So, this was a huge win at home! Will they get another? Doubtful, but the streak ends. Tears were flowing from the owners, THE FORD FAMILY, and players. Nothing gets me like a grown man crying.

Usually, hate local news, but I love the guys saying Super Bowl Bound. Haha. Too funny.

They can have football, but the Stanley Cup belongs to Pittsburgh. Just saying. 

Celebration Photo Source

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