Friday, August 7, 2009

Dress for Success.

President Barack Obama has made Vanity Fair's International Best Dressed list, along with his wife Michelle. Other political figures gracing the list include Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, the wife of French President Nikolas Sarkozy, and New York Mayor Michael Bloomburg and his wife Diana Taylor.

Brad Pitt also made the list this year, although curiously missing was his wife, Angelina Jolie who made the list with him in 2008 in the couples catagory. Hmm. That could cause a rift. Anne Hathaway also made the cut, along with...Alicia Keys and Kelly Ripa? Obviously the judges like to knock back a few before deciding these? How random.

Well, I didn't seem to make the list this year, but here's hoping for 2010- Kelly Ripa can suck it!


  1. whatev if i look like kelly ripa when i am her age i'd be ecstatic. alicia on the other love anne hathaway.

  2. yeah, that's true, but kelly dressed? maybe not. she does look good though.

    i feel like alecia is pretty, but has made some bad fashion choices.
