Monday, May 24, 2010

Jesse Explains It All.

Jesse James will be on NBC's "Dateline" tomorrow night, explaining his actions. I mean, as much as he can.

Lord. It just gets worse for poor Sandy. At least in the soon to be ex-husband area. Everyone knows (eghem Tiger Woods) that if you go to the press to do one of those "Excuse me for a minute- can you just turn the camera off?" cry and bitch about 'poor me' thing, you're just looking to make yourself look better in the public eye.

It's a huge backfire. Just stay in the background. Let it go away. Let people forget about you when the new person comes around. Again- Tiger Woods. People forgot about him when Jesse James came around. Sure, more people tuned into the Masters, but ultimately it was because there was a new bad guy in town: Jesse.

Tomorrow will tell. Let us know what you think.
Photo courtesy of Wenn.

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