Monday, February 1, 2010

Ryan Gosling and School Do Not Mix.

WHY. Why does Ryan Gosling do this to me? I'm supposed to be writing a paper on Giorgio Bassani and every time I get down to it, my mind wanders to Ryan Gosling. Intrusive little thoughts like, Ryan would make a great Alberto...I am 99% sure that my paper is going to be five pages on why Ryan Gosling would be great in a movie on a Bassani novel. Serious. It would take me about five minutes to get it down on paper, because it's already all written up in my mind. It's getting that bad.
Why...WHY does it have to be Jen from "Dawson's Creek"? I prefer when I see him with some random on the streets I can pretend is his sister, not possibly the beginnings of an amazing super couple. Arg.

Concentrate. I just need to concentrate.
Photos courtesy of EW.

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