Thursday, January 7, 2010

I Was Just Hanging Out With My Friends...And Got Shot.

FUG FUG FUG FUG FUG. It's like she took the coal she got for Christmas (which she asked for, because she's so angsty) and rubbed them all over her eyes.

Yuck. And boring. Moving on to the only interesting part of this cover. The bottom right. "I was just hanging out with my friends...and got shot". Totally Lifetime movie worthy headline. Go Fug Yourself had it perfectly by saying:
First of all, I have to note that the headline, "I was just hanging out with my friends...AND GOT SHOT," is brilliant. I want to read that. I need to know more. Was this girl "just hanging out with [her] friends" at, say, a gun show? Or the firing range? Or in the middle of a covert CIA mission? Or was she, like, trying on bronzer at Sephora? DETAILS, PLEASE.
 Agreed. I would go out and by it just for that. Or more likely, spend 15 minutes in a Barnes and Noble coffee shop reading it and then not buying it. Can't bring myself to support Taylor Momsen as a celebrity.
Photo courtesy of FUG.

1 comment:

  1. so you would by this magazine, courtney? like actually by it or by it and return it? cause i definitely would not BUY it...
