Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Szohr is Stripper Sad.

She's pretty. I know this. But there is just something about her I find so...confused. She also looks kind of sad in these. Like, stripper sad. 'I'm only being used for my looks' sad.

Hmm. Maybe she was going for sultry. Well, she missed and went all the way to stripper sad. And you can just tell they do crazy stuff to her hair to make it look "natural". Damn gurl.

Seriously, look at these! No sultry or sexy to be found. Just stripper sad. This explains the extreme lack of confidence one must have to date Ed Westwick. Don't mistake me- not Chuck Bass, Ed Westwick. Chuck Bass is...well, Chuck Bass. Ed however...gross. I mean, seriously. She has got to be stripper sad to date him.
Photos courtesy of JJ.

1 comment:

  1. I'd rather have Ed Westwick than Chuck Bass.
    Ed Westwick is f***ing sexy.

    And together they're adorable!
