Thursday, January 7, 2010

THIS Is Really Bazaar.

Miley Cyrus looks gorgeous on the cover of this month's Harper's Bazaar. Which is to say, she looks absolutely nothing like herself.

Jeez, they classed her up. Damn. But why is the real question. Is she really someone their target audience wants to read about? Eh. Maybe. I mean, maybe they were desperate...and she always is, so that would explain it. It also accounts for the lack of cowboy boots or jeans ripped open at the crotch.

Perhaps this is the beginning of a new Miley? HA. Yeah right.
On her new tattoo: “It reminds me not to take things for granted, I mean, breathing — that was something none of them could do, the most basic thing. And I put it near my heart because that is where they will always be.”

EARTH TO MILEY: Your heart is not under your boob. It's in the middle of your chest. But I guess she covers it by saying 'near'. I could get a tattoo on my ankle and claim the same thing, right?

Then there is this:
I thought it was so cool when girls would ask me, What’s your shirt? And I’m like, Hanes, but I have $60,000 worth of jewelry on top of it!”

Photo courtesy of JJ.

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