Friday, December 4, 2009

James on Performance Art.

James Franco. I really can't gush about him anymore, it's getting embarrassing. But he wrote a piece for The Wall Street Journal today, basically explaining his decision to go on "General Hospital". Something about performance art. I haven't been able to read the whole thing yet because my eyes keep drifting up to his picture, but I'll get there eventually.

It's called, "A Star, A Soap and the Meaning of Art: Why an appearence on General Hospital qualifies as art." Click here to read it yourself. Ironically, the 'what is art?' question is also one that has been popping up on GH in reference to his character, Franco. Tagging and pictures of grotesque crime scenes is Franco's bag, and he refers to killer for hire Jason Morgan as another artist. What is the difference between art and garbage?

See, soaps do teach us things.
Photo courtesy of WSJ.

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