Thursday, December 3, 2009

La Bamba Levitt.

La Bamba from Scott McGehee & David Siegel on Vimeo.

This is a video Joseph Gordon- Levitt put up on his blog, hitRECordjoe, and apparently it was filmed on the set of his movie "Uncertainty". Notice how they, like everyone else in the world, barely know the words. "La Bamba" is a great, yet confusing song.

Here is his comment on it:
I’ve never seen so many people on a set ALL join in with spontaneous revelry in the middle of a work day.  And I’ve been on a lot of sets.  This is the spirit that made UNCERTAINTY the movie it is.  I do recommend it.
BTW, It did really great it’s opening weekend in NY, it’s gonna expand to more cities now, and I’m pretty sure you can still watch it On Demand, however that works. 
 He kind of thinks he's the creative shiz, but...I can't seem to hate him for it.

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