Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Maniac Max.

Maxime Talbot on the cover of Maniac magazine. Oh Lord. Love him. Hate the tattoo. Did not know that was there. It's a Superman design, but with a T where the S usually is.

 I will quote Dane Cook on this, and I'm paraphrasing, but you get the idea: "Everytime I see a guy walking around with a Superman shirt on, I want to shoot him, and then stand over him and be like, 'Guess not, huh?'"

Exactly. If we get married, it's going to have to go. Check out an interview with the editor of Maniac magazine HERE about the cover- he's totally funny. I think I have a little bit of a crush on him. He looks a little like Roy from "The Office", right?

Then I watched THIS video, and totally forgave Max for the tattoo. Le sigh. How cute is he? 

Oh, and Brooks Orpik was also featured in the magazine. Eh, he's alright. He always looks so damn freaked out all the time. They put sunglasses on him for 3/4 of the pictures.

UPDATE: Here are the Brooks Pics. See what I mean? The eyes. DAMN boy. Calm down!

He does however, seem like a genuinely nice guy. So I feel a little badly for making fun of him. Oh well. You can see where he gets his nickname- Free Candy.

The Pensblog photoshopped his face onto the side of van with the words "Free Candy" on the side. Here he shows that looks can be decieving. 

I totally hate the writing in this magazine too. I should point that out. I read the articles and 'oh so cool' analogies like "bull shark into a fishbowl" seem to be the rule, not the exception. They think they real cool.
Photos courtesy of maniac.

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