Sunday, October 11, 2009

Open Letter to All Megans

Dear Megan(s),
I'm sorry that my anti-Pam sentiments are upsetting you. I really haven't been meaning to turn you, or anyone else for that matter, away as a reader. I do like her more this season, but she's just not to my Jim level. Court and I have agreed that I'll tone down the Pam hating. We are also working to pinpoint what it is that find extremely annoying about her.

I'll continue to watch videos in hopes of finding her more tolerable. I hope all three Megans that have complained about this to me or Court will be satisfied with this letter and less of my Pam rants.

I didn't hate her here... progress!

Odd, because I found nothing super likeable about Pam here. Why don't you hate her HERE? Such an odd place to find your non-hating Pam vibes. I like Jim in it. That I can say for sure.


I liked her glasses.

1 comment:

  1. Haha -- I just read this today! This Megan happily accepts Theo's offer to tone down the Pammy-bashing. Also . . . I like her glasses, too.

    "I bought those boat tickets the day I saw that YouTube video. I knew we needed a backup plan. The boat was actually Plan C. The church was Plan B. And Plan A was marrying her a long, long time ago. Pretty much the day I met her."
