Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday Treat.

'Sup guys, I'm sure everyone has been kind of having a long week like we at popYEAH! have been having, so here is Zac Efon as a little shameful treat for getting through it relatively unscathed. 

On his new movie, Me and Orson Welles: “It’s the first time I’ve ever watched a movie [that I’m in] and in the end I’m like, ‘OK! I didn’t check my watch once!’”
On his Disney fame: “I try not to look at all of it. You can’t enjoy or celebrate it; it’s not a real thing. The face on the lunchbox and s— —you can’t share that with your friends.”
On growing up around music: “I was constantly singing. I would hear things on the radio and just be able to spit them out instantly, with perfect memorization and tone. It wasn’t like I took pride in it; there was no effort. My parents were like ‘Shut up. Please stop singing. It’s annoying.’”
On whether celebrity albums are necessary: “If anyone asked themselves that, then we wouldn’t have the crap we are listening to today. If your heart’s not in it, don’t do it. And don’t do it for money. That’s my philosophy.”

His new movie opens on November 25th.
Photo courtesy of Just Jared.

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