Friday, October 9, 2009

The REAL Brian Williams to 30 Rock

Courters loves Brain Williams, hence the title. She's named her camera after him. The man makes a tux look hot, got to love that Connecticut tan. And, I love 30 Rock. No need to elaborate. 

So, putting the two together is genius... AGAIN! Last season, Williams briefly appeared in an episode for maybe 15 seconds. But, from the looks of it, we'll be seeing a little bit more of him. I love this show. I love seeing NBC stars like Conan, Al Roker and Meredith Vieira. Heck, in season 2, we even go an old Friends star. It was one of the guys and they haven't really been doing anything, but still- totally exciting!

It's Friday! Only, six more days!!

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Here is Brian Williams' first appearence on "30 Rock". Thanks to hot poppin' damn reader Kelsey for sending it in! (PS- we are testing out names to call our readers. Perez has 'perezcious reader' and we want something too. So bear with us while we work through it.)


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