Wednesday, July 1, 2009


This girl. Shailene Woodley, the whiny voice of over indulged teenage girls looking for attention everywhere. She was on Fuse's number 1 countdown because...she's famous? Are the people who watch her show even the same people who watch Fuse? Somehow I doubt it. Maybe she's trying to prove she's got edge. She's a real actor, like those kids on 90210 over at the CW. The stuff network dreams are made of.

When it first started last summer, Theo and I gathered up a group of our friends at my house every Tuesday night, and after a CVS run for supplies, we would sit down and laugh at the horribleness that is The Secret Life of the American Teenager. I still cannot understand it. We eventually stopped watching it, maybe after six-ish episodes or so. Yet it still keeps doing well. You can tell that it is written by the most out of touch old people on the planet. Yet it's still popular.

The question who turns into the question of WHY. I think I've figured it out, and it turns into another one of my theories. Teen pregnancy is gold. It will always bring in viewers. People are fascinated with it. Because secretly, we all think it would be kind of cool. It's like, you know it wouldn't be, but there is this tiny part of you that thinks it would be like Juno. Or you would grow up and be Lorelai Gilmore. Your mom would run for vice president of the United States.

Then again, it's a theory. It can be unproven. Hopefully soon, because this show drives me nuts.


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