Reports are coming out that the reason for the break up (the night before her birthday) is due to Jess' recent contact with ex, John Mayer. Wow, does this actually happen in real life like after the seventh grade?
But, back to my original question. Jessica Simpson's weakness > John Mayer's greatness.
1. She's insecure. Always has been, always will be. The fact that her dad is constantly talking about her boobs isn't helping the matters either.
2. Ashlee is married and a mother at the age of 24. Jess just turned 29 and is now single.
Less than a year ago, she gave an interview saying that she wanted six kids.
29+2= 31+ (2*6) = 43, so by math (after two years of courtship) she needs to have six babies within 12 to be done by 43. It could happen.

I added extra space so we could all think of the math for her to make that happen. Damn.
Sucks to be her.
Should have known that J.Mayer is the ultimate fame whore. He always wants to be involved with story.
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