Thursday, July 9, 2009

SVU Prisonbreak.

To those in the know, it's no secret that Theo and I love Law and Order. Mostly I just watch SVU so this is especially exciting for me. But one time Theo was an hour late coming over to my house and it was like, "Sorry, I got caught up in an episode of Law and Order." To which my immediate response was, "What? Don't apologize. You finish it. Tell me about it later over pizza." It's just one of those things you understand. We've all done it. Or had it happen to us. Law and Order is the all time greatest excuse for being late.

Anyways, my favorite episodes are when people guest star. That episode with Robin Williams is the BEST. Totally a thinker.

Which is why I'm excited for this one, plus, don't they look like such a cute couple? Wentworth Miller plays a cop in the episode, and I bet he and Liv have a thing. I'm calling it now. These pictures are steamy. They both have that glare that can make a criminal tell the truth. Elliot doesn't have that, which is why they're just friends. Wentworth has it.


--Photos courtesy of

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