Monday, October 12, 2009

Noah and the Whale.

Paste Magazine's "Band of the Week" is Noah and the Whale, of whom I am a fan. So basically I'm making them my band of the week too. They've been traveling around with one of my other fave's, Johnny Flynn. Le sigh. His sister Lillie Flynn has been a female vocalist during some tours, as well as Laura Marling.

Their name is from one the band's favorite films, "The Squid and the Whale" and the name of the director of the movie, Noah Baumbach.

Band members: Charlie Fink (vocals, guitar), Doug Fink (drums), Urby Whale (bass) Tom Hobden (fiddle)
Album: The First Days of Spring
If you like: Belle and Sebastian, Bon Iver, Johnny Flynn

Le sigh. Don't you want to be friends with someone named Charlie Fink? Don't even get me started about Urby Whale. I want to be epic friends with somone named Urby Whale.

My sister should like this one: The title of their album references T.S. Eliot's poem, The Wasteland. "April is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead ground, mixing memory and desire."

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