Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Baby's in Blue.

This is a picture of Theo and I's love, Anderson Cooper flying to the Helmand Province in Afghanistan to report live from the front lines.

Love Anderson, you know this. But seriously, who decided to give him this blue Kevlar vest? With whatever is going on with that little collar thing? This is kind of awkward how color coordinated he is- dude, it's Afghanistan, not a J. Crew catalog.
Photo courtesy of CNN.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. dear court court:

    that "little collar thing" is extra kevlar around his neck to protect vital veins from shrapnel should his helicopter be hit. it is there to potentially save your love's life, and i think anderson values his life over style. apparently the military doesn't value his cameraman's life as much, though.

  3. i just want to clarify that mr. davlantes wrote that... not me.

  4. duh, I figured that out. let me clarify this point: he is the only one wearing a collar. apparently CNN is too hard up to properly outfit everyone else.

    ALSO- if his helicopter were to be severely hit, I'm sure that extra bit of fabric would do a whole hell of a lot of good.
