Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Oh Hey There.

Yay, this is our 300th post! Typical it would be about Twilight. The Twi takes over everything. But this time I don't mind so much, and for obvious reasons. I like to think that this picture is Jackson Rathbone saying, "Way to go guys. You rock."

Man he looks GOOD, non? He was spotted walking around on Sunday afternoon going to the Tom Lee Music Store (with his 100 Monkeys bandmates Ben Graupner, Jerad Anderson and Ben Johnson). Apparently he doesn't like smoking, like his co-star Robert Pattinson. That's good...ok that is a really weak excuse to try to explain what is going on here, but seriously- how like, on is he? Remember this? Finally everything has come together.

Also spotted was his co-star Xavier Samuel, holding a notepad for some reason, but also looking fine, apart from his pants being all lumpy, and not in a good way (wink wink Bret and Jermaine-"Sugarlumps").
Even I have to admit, this is a great way to celebrate our 300th post. I see pictures like this and I remember why we started blogging in the first place.
Photos courtesy of Just Jared.

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