Thursday, September 10, 2009

Whip It Good.

Hmm. I probably won't see Whip It! Will it be worse than some other movies that are being made? Probably not. Will it be as good as Drew Barrymore is tying to make it out to be? No.

One thing that is super annoying me about her is how she keeps trying to make roller derby sound like the solution to all the world's problems. Listen to this:

"I just want women to embrace several body shapes. That’s the thing I love about derby. It’s really welcoming."

Um. Ok, sure. We'll take your word for it Drew. She also gets really creep on Ellen Page-
"She was in her frickin’ bra and with an open jacket and hot-pink shorts, skating around the rink with red lips and… and she was sexy as a mother…. a feral creature. It was great."

Sit down Drew Barrymore. We get it- you're directing for the first time. Stop trying to be real cool.
Photos courtesy of Just Jared.

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