Thursday, September 10, 2009

Baby Sparrow.

Just when I was about to claim some semblance of respect for Nicole Richie, she goes and has her baby (a boy) and names it Sparrow. My sister used to love the name Tristan for a boy, and my mother would say, "That kid is going to get beaten up." Tristan is boarder line, but Sparrow? If that kid was raised anywhere but Hollywood...I think even that is stretching it. He totally might get beaten up. I would beat myself up if my name was Sparrow.

Sparrow James Midnight Madden.

Yeah, ok. Someone has a case of "I think I'm real cool". Luckily after a lifetime of degradation about his name, the kid probably won't ever have that problem.
Photo courtesy of Splash.


  1. uummm... he's growing up in a celebrity generation of moses', apples, and pilot inspektors. there's no way anyone is going to beat him up. especially since he's lionel richie's grandson.

  2. They are going to beat him up BECAUSE he's Lionel Richie's grandson.
