Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Fallen Love.

Le sigh Zachary Quinto. I wish he wasn't gay, but then again, I love him all the more because he is. Strange? Maybe. My life? Definitely. He scares the hell out of me on Heroes, possibly the best villian on television today. I was so jealous of Kristen Bell (again) when her character Elle and Sylar had a thing going on. So jealous. Was kind of pissed they killed that relationship. Literally and figuratively. Sylar does not take well to betrayl.
Love a man that can rock a big nose. Lets say STRONG nose. It's a defining characteristic that can skyrocket an actor's career if used properly. A woman's too, although Jennifer Aniston has done everything in her power to disguise hers, including only allowing herself to be photographed from a certain angle. Ugh, but let's not. I just want to focus on Zachary. Le sigh.

This is Zachary and the guy who took these pictures, Tyler Shields. Apparently he wanted payback for tossing a brick on him? Love Silk though- he shouldn't have wasted it. It's really funny how it just kind of squirts out- dousing someone in milk is actually harder than it seems.

Photos courtesy of Just Jared and Tyler Shields.

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