Tuesday, September 1, 2009


One of my favorite parts of Glee is the true to form Tracey Flick-esque performance of Lea Michele, who plays the talented and driven Rachel.

It turns out that Lea is actually quite driven herself, and the 5'3'' Italian- me too- and Jewish (not so much) Broadway baby had quite the auditioning process for the show.

“The piano player messed up the song, and they were laughing so hard I had to tell them it was a serious scene and ask them to stop laughing. Ryan called me that night to say I was great. I was like, ‘Really? That was awful!’ ” On the way to her final audition, Lea got in a car crash just outside the studio. “I had to leave the smoking car on the street. I had glass in my hair and nicks all over my body.” She also feared internal bleeding. But never mind, she got to the audition. “That’s why I play Rachel,” she says. “Because I’m the one who ran with shards of glass in my hair. She wouldn’t let anything stop her.”

Aw that's really cute. Maybe really frightening. But Glee is Sept. 16th all the same, WATCH. It is amazing, trust.
Photo courtesy of New Yorker.

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