Lindsey Shaw is to 10 Things as Reese Witherspoon was to Legally Blonde
True. Those projects are nothing without these two actresses.
Horrible concept I know, and I pretty much across the board hate ABC Family shows, but this one seems pretty harmless, unlike that swill True Life of The American Teenager, or as I like to call it (because who the hell can remember it's actual name) Bill O'Reilly's latest project.

1. love her dress. looks like anthropology
2. love her shoes
3. love that she's not wearing a ton of make up
4. love that braid in her hair- unfortunately braids just look like the rest of your snarls when you have curly hair
5. She's not a skeletal whore like that other Lindsay
6. Just noticed the tattoo on her foot.
7. She was in Aliens in America, which I loved. Well, the first half of it that I managed to watch with Annsleigh.
8. She's from Nebraska...so she has to be kind of a normal person.
9. Love the sarcasm vibe I get from her. I live for sarcasm.
10. I love her dress. Good dresses go a long way with me.
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