Thursday, September 10, 2009

Step it up

Remember when Gossip Girl had that stupid idea to have a spin-off set in the 80's? I wasn't nearly as interesting and critics bashed clothing as being uninspired and boring?

As you know, I'm die hard GG, love it and even I skipped that episode.

Here's Kim Cattrall on the set of Sex and the City 2. Wow, this looks super uninspired. Also, super boring. I know, I know. "This is what people wore back then." But, really, I think they could have tried to be a little cutting edge. This is SEX AND THE CITY - my mom would have killed to be dressed by Patricia Field (costume designer). But, this just disappoints.

I expect more. No one goes for the plot, it's for the clothes and the city. That's why it went on as long as it did.

Come on SATC 2. Step up your game.


Here's a link to more photos!

Photo Source

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