Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kanye West is an Enemy of the State.

Alright, I'm only kidding, but even though I absolutely hate giving Kanye all this attention, this one is too cool to be ignored.

Apparently during an interview with CNBC, Barack Obama called Kanye West a "jackass". The remark was meant to be kept off the record, but it was leaked after a reporter for rival network ABC, Terry Moran, leaked the info onto his Twitter.

"Pres. Obama just called Kanye West a 'jackass' for his outburst at the VMAs when Taylor Swift won. Now THAT's presidential."

Now, this Terry Moran kind of seems like a jackass, and by this comment ABC made, they seem to think so too, if you read between the lines:
"In the process of reporting on remarks by President Obama that were made during a CNBC interview, ABC News employees prematurely tweeted a portion of those remarks that turned out to be from an off-the-record portion of the interview. This was done before our editorial process had been completed. That was wrong. We apologize to the White House and CNBC and are taking steps to ensure that it will not happen again."

The White House had no comment. Ballin'.
Photo courtesy of Splash.  

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