Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The (Baseball) Game.

I watch this exact same scene every week on The Game, the CW show about Football player's wives. Only they are sitting in a skybox. But same plush seats, "well" put together, the carefully arranged supportive, yet not trying TOO hard facial expression that just ends up looking insipid, and also, no one is wearing any team clothing.

They're too "in" for that. I'm going to reference Derek Zoolander for the second time in a week- "You think you're too cool for school, but I've got a newsflash for you Walter Cronkite...you aren't."

They all look like goners to me. The guy behind them in the Yankees hat knows it. He's thinking:

"Now what the heck are THEY still doing here? The team should have gotten in a new shipment last week. That's baseball for ya. It's in the Tyson Zone now. Never know what to expect."

Tyson Zone is like my word of the day. I have somehow found a way to work it into almost everything. Weird.
Photo courtesy of Splash News

1 comment:

  1. haha. you nailed it...that guy is thinking that, word for word!
