Saturday, August 8, 2009

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For...Gay Ice Cream?

Possibly the most ingenious idea ever. I mean, what, he has got to be getting a ton of press. NPR has already done a story on him for goodness sakes. Doug Quint- who yes, is gay- a classically trained bassoonist, has only had the business for a few months. He sees it as a fun summer gig while most orchestras are on break.

"If I weren't gay, I wouldn't call it the Big Gay Ice Cream Truck. And if I weren't happy, I wouldn't have the Big Gay Ice Cream Truck. It would just be the big crabby ice cream truck," Quint says.

As for his menu, well he describes it as "metrosexual", with toppings such as ground wasabi peas, caramelized bacon, Trix cereal and Nutella.

I want to go to there.

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