Thursday, August 6, 2009

Billy is Zane-y.

Sorry about the awful pun in the title. Couldn't help myself. LOVE Billy Zane. Why don't we see him in anything anymore? The last thing that I remember seeing him in is the t.v. mini-series Cleopatra where he played Marc Antony. Oh yes. You know I own it. I'm pretty sure Johnny Depp got the idea for Captain Jack Sparrow to have so much eyeliner on from Zane in that movie.

And of course, how could we forget his most famous work? His 30 second cameo in Zoolander.
Hansel has it right: "Listen to your friend Billy Zane. He's a cool dude."

He's right, he is a cool guy. Look at what's he's telling us in this picture- he likes the environment, cause he has a cool bike. He likes music. He likes to look good (oh yeah), he likes to read, because...glasses, duh. And he wears converse sneakers. That's enough to make me a lifelong fan. See Katherine Heigls and Swampthangs of the world? It's not that difficult to make me like you.

Ugh, but who cares about them. Zane. I could say that forever.
It's A Walk-Off

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