I am now inclined to believe this. Yesterday, news broke that he and his real life girlfriend and co-star of Paper Heart have broken up. And, he is the one person holding up Arrested Development. And,what's AD without George Michael? Not as funny... still funny, but less.
Cera and Charlyne Yi were dating for the past three years, which, let's face it, is longer than a lot of marriages. Sources are coming forward and blaming a wandering eye on his part. Blah, so typical. Lanky guy in the biz finally goes mainstream and can't remember those that were with him from the start.
Poor Charlyne, which reminds me of my favorite Anthony Hamilton Song - 'Charlene'. Love that song, here's the video.
--Update: Charlyne just commented that they have never dated. Whoops! Oh well, he's still a jerk about the Arrested Development thing. That is enough to garner hate from me.
--- Damn, that's what I get. Sorry, readers. Even I should check my facts!!
HAPPY 100 and one!
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